
#5 Cloud Gaze

Enjoy a few minutes of doing nothing else but cloud gaze with your kids. Imagine shapes and peoples faces, animals and dragons. Play this game while traveling in a car, or whenever the sky allows it… notice morning sunrise and afternoon sunset colours and light, and enjoy looking up and away…

#4 Potato Stamps

Potato stamps are one of the oldest craft ideas around. All you need is a few potatoes, some paper and paints. Use cookie cutters to get exact shapes, to help your kids cutting out their own shapes.

# 2 Balloon Faces

Draw faces onto balloons. Make happy faces, sad faces, clown faces or animal faces. Use black felt tip marker. A simple creative idea which takes only a few minutes but can lead to many hours of fun and games…

#1 Paper Chains

Make paper chains with your kids. Simple to do, all you need is paper and scissors and some tape or a stapler. Kids of all ages can participate, simple chains are easy for younger kids, more elaborate chains and bunting ideas for the older kids.

An idea a day for 2018!

365 Creative Ideas to do with your kids offers awesome and fun ideas for each day of 2018. The daily ideas range from very easy craft projects to indoor and outdoor activities and kiddies games. Some ideas may be reminiscent of your own childhood and others are simple family-time activities such as spending a...